For Parents
For more information about the Continuity of Care in Children's Mental Health study, please contact us:
Department of Psychology
Westminster Hall, 3rd floor East
Tel: 1-877-850-2336
Study Procedures
- After you fill out our contact information form online, by mail, or at one of our partner agencies, a researcher will call you to tell you more about the study and check your eligibility.
- You will receive a questionnaire by mail or email that takes about 45 minutes to complete. The questionnaire will ask about your experience of continuity of care within the agency, and between other providers, such as your child's school and your family doctor. The questionnaire will also ask about your satistfaction with services, demographic questions and other questions about your family and your child.
- Along with the questionnaire, we will send you a consent form to sign. This consent form asks for your permission for the agnecy to share your visit dates with our research team so that we can get a measure of your service use. You will also indicate your consent for your child's primary clinician (e.g. a therapist) to complete their rating of your continuity of care.
- In appreciation of your time, we will send you a $20 gift card to your choice of Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Chapters or McDonalds.
You can choose not to participate at any time and you can choose not to answer certain questions. Any information you share is completely confidential to our research team. It will not be shared with the agency with which you are involved. Your and your child's names will be removed from any information you share.